Seminar “The Problem of Man in Philosophy, Religion and Art”, May 21-22, 2105, Cultural Center, Prokuplje (organized in cooperation with the Serbian Society of Philosophy)
“Religiously Motivated Activism,” 2015
Workshop “Religiously Motivated Activism in the Regional Peace Processes”, March 8, 2015, Ecclesia Viminaciensis Educational Center, Požarevac, Serbia (organized in cooperation with the Centre for the Study of Religion, Politics, and Society under the patronage of the National Endowment for Democracy.)
“Religion and Realism”
“Sacred and Social/Political Freedom”
International Conference on “Sacred and Social/Political Freedom: The Political Dimension of Religion”, November 22, 2014, Belgrade Art Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia (organized in cooperation with the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University in Belgrade and the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Belgrade)
“Science and Metascience”
(2014) The Light of icons: Exhibition of Contemporary Serbian Iconography
(2014) The Light of icons: The Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity (Светлост иконе: изложба савременог српског иконописа – Свет иконы выставка современной сербской иконописи: Институт за проучавање културе и хришћанства, Београд)
Exhibition – “The Light of Icons”
Exhibition – “The Light of Icons: Exhibition of Contemporary Serbian Iconography”, June 27–July 11, 2014, Palace of the Zepter International, Moscow, Russian Federation Read More